Hello “Stevie”,


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To: Steve Reynolds, Launch Facility Project Manager

From: Bill Levy, Janitor

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To: Martin Neimeyer, Senior Engineer

From: Steve Reynolds, Launch Facility Project Manager

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To: RobCo HQ Supply Department

From: Bill Martin, REPCONN Custodian

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[Welcome to RobCo! 歡迎加入RobCo]

To: All REPCONN staff

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[Public Kitchen 公用廚房

To: ALL REPCONN Employees

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”Can I Tell Him?” 「我可以告訴他嗎?」】

“Can I Tell Him?” A Poseidon Energy Publication for New Employees

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Upcoming Visit近期參訪排程】

Brig. Gen. Scott Lowe of the U.S. Army will be visiting the facility starting next Monday and staying onsite indefinitely. When ARCHIMEDES goes live, he will be the only person here allowed to authorize its use for anything other than a test. Civilian employees are not required to salute, but it is expected of everyone that you observe thorough grooming and hygiene regimens and dress neatly while the general is with us. The general expects the best from all his men, and Poseidon men should be no different in the presence of such a fine and decorated soldier.

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Results 測試結果】

The initial testing of ARCHIMEDES was a success, though not an unqualified one. Several minor systems were overloaded despite all precautions taken, and the two and a half minutes of downtime following the test is something we can work on improving.

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On Tuesday February 16 at 2 PM, technicians will be running a test of ARCHIMEDES and its connectivity with our plant security system. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any employee be outdoors on the plant grounds until the alarm klaxon has ceased and an all-clear is given. We have death and dismemberment waivers from all employees on file and are not responsible for any accidents that should occur during this procedure.

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