
Results 測試結果】

The initial testing of ARCHIMEDES was a success, though not an unqualified one. Several minor systems were overloaded despite all precautions taken, and the two and a half minutes of downtime following the test is something we can work on improving.


More importantly, we received reports from nearby facilities that they experienced system-frying power fluctuations at the time of the test, notably the Black Mountain communications array and the military bunkers at Hidden Valley. We’re going to make it a priority next time to prevent such collateral damage.

更重要的是,我們接到了鄰近設施的回報。在測試的同時,他們也接受到足以毀壞系統的電流,導致部分系統故障損毀,尤其是Black Mountain當地的通訊元件以及位於Hidden Valley的軍事碉堡。這個問題會被列為高優先處理事項,以免下次又再次發生類似的連帶損害。


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